The fact that you are interested in this is most likely because you have a troublesome debt for which you are seeking a solution. Probably you don’t want to lose your home or car. Probably you are tired of lawsuits, wage garnishment and incessant harassment. Probably you want to unfreeze your account or discharge a debt. This is evidence that you need the services of an experienced bankruptcy lawyer. These are factors that deny you freedom and peace, always nagging at the back of your mind. This is where a bankruptcy lawyer in Dallas comes in handy to help you regain your freedom by helping you get rid of your debt.
It all begins with determining whether bankruptcy is for you. Contacting our bankruptcy lawyer in Dallas helps you determine your financial status. A thorough scrutiny of your financial documents, especially assets, mortgage payments as well as car loan payments is crucial in expressing your actual financial position that determines the bankruptcy application. An interview contacted by our bankruptcy lawyer Dallas about your financial challenges reinforces the final course of action. It helps to come up with the best solution for your situation. This is because not all financial challenges need Bankruptcy as a solution. However, if, after the assessment, bankruptcy emerges as the top most choice for a solution, our bankruptcy lawyer in Dallas gives you the professional guidance and filing approach.
No matter your unsecured debt such as credit card, payday, medical or personal loans, by filing for bankruptcy through your experienced lawyer Dallas, you can achieve peace of mind. No matter how stressful and traumatic as it may be, talking to our bankruptcy lawyer in Dallas can be the ultimate financial revival that you need.
The new bankruptcy law establishes stricter criteria for filing Ch. 7 bankruptcy cases. A debt can typically be discharged in a Ch. 7 case if it is unsecured, means there is no property securing the debt.
Filing for bankruptcy is an important decision, and The Law Office of Donald E. Hood, PLLC wants to make sure that the type of bankruptcy protection that you choose is the right one for you.
You are entitled to keep a generous amount of your belongings when filing Ch. 7 bankruptcy. Texas law provides for high personal exemptions–items that are protected from seizure by your creditors.